
Brentwood School Cadet Bestowed Top Honour

Brentwood School Cadet Bestowed Top Honour
Awards & Achievements

Brentwood School Cadet Petty Officer Catherine Prior has been appointed as one of the Lord-Lieutenant’s Cadets for 2019 – a prestigious role acknowledging her outstanding contribution to her cadet service and the community.

The Lord-Lieutenant of Essex, Mrs Jennifer Tolhurst, inaugurated PO Prior, a Lower Sixth Form student, at a special ceremony and reception held at County Hall, Chelmsford, on Thursday evening.

PO Prior was nominated, following a rigorous selection process, as an outstanding cadet to represent the five Combined Cadet Forces from across the county. During her year serving as the LLC, she will join the Lord-Lieutenant in carrying out her duties as HM The Queen’s representative for the county of Essex. 

Duties may include accompanying the Lord-Lieutenant on a variety of Civic Ceremonies including meeting members of the royal family, various military events in Colchester and civic events across the county.

The Lord-Lieutenant was particularly taken by PO Prior’s personal statement and read a short extract at the ceremony, which elegantly summed up the values and aims of the CCF.

“I have always loved the CCF programme and will continue to love it, as I believe it instils excellent core values in young people as being caring, diligent and superb leaders. I have seen this first hand as I know that in my three years of being in the Royal Navy CCF I have become a much better person and my fellow cadets have too.”

The reception, hosted by Essex County Council’s Chairman Cllr John Jowers, celebrated the outstanding contribution of the county’s 3,700 young people who serve in the sea, army, air and combined cadet forces.

Mrs Tolhurst said: “I could not be more proud of my cadets. The Lord-Lieutenant’s cadets are chosen as the best of their organisation. They are always smart and courteous; they manage their very full lives well; they are confident and fun to be with. I wish them very well for the future and look forward to working with my 2019 cadets”.

Cllr Jowers said: “I am extremely proud to have hosted the second cadet reception at County Hall and had another opportunity to celebrate the achievements of the outstanding young people serving in the sea, army, air and combined cadet forces. These young people really are a force for good and an inspiration to not only their peers, but also their local communities.

“It is truly testament to the quality of the cadet experience being delivered across Essex that so many young people want to get involved and I look forward to seeing this long-standing tradition upheld going forward.”

Colonel Ray Wilkinson QVRM TD VR DL, Chief Executive of the East Anglia Reserve Forces’ and Cadets’ Association said: “Through our work with the Cadet Forces, we see how they inspire young people to challenge their limits, grow their abilities and go further in life regardless of religion, ethnicity and social background. These cadets and instructors are very worthy of recognition.”

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Brentwood School Cadet Bestowed Top Honour