
High-Flying Students Bound for Oxbridge and Beyond

High-Flying Students Bound for Oxbridge and Beyond
Sixth Form Awards & Achievements

Brentwood School is delighted that six students have received offers from Oxford or Cambridge Universities and another five are waiting to hear the results of interviews with Ivy League Schools in the United States.

Offers are also coming in thick and fast for the 15 students who have applied to study Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science (MDV) subjects while another three have already received highly coveted London-based Music conservatoire places.

The six students holding Oxbridge offers are: Shiv Patel, Politics, Philosophy and Economics at Christ Church, Oxford; Catherine Prior, Natural Sciences (Biology) at Clare, Cambridge; Emily Sullivan, Classics at Selwyn, Cambridge; Bethan Whiskerd, Classics at Pembroke, Cambridge; Rachael White, English Language and Literature at Pembroke, Oxford, and James Willy, Engineering at Keble, Oxford.

Mr Rob Higgins, Director of Sixth Form, said: “The School has supported 141 post Sixth Form applications this year, primarily through UCAS. This consists of 136 current students and 5 former students. 

“We have supported 15 students with MDV applications and these students are currently interviewing at a range of universities, with six of our candidates already holding at least one offer for Medicine or Dentistry at Plymouth, Keele, Cardiff, Bristol and Queens. The most popular university choices this year have been UCL, Warwick, Reading and Exeter and 25% of our UCAS applicants have received all five offers from their university choices and more than half of our applicants hold offers from four of their five choices. 

“Eight students are applying to U.S universities, with five students applying to Ivy League Schools. All five of these students are waiting to hear the results from their interviews with Harvard, Yale and Stanford. Boarder Felicia Chan has received an impressive scholarship from Ohio State, Michelle Kafe holds a scholarship from Hofstra University, Cameron Smith (Old Brentwood) has received a full scholarship from St Thomas Aquinas, and Vittoria Gallina has already accepted a place at Boston University. Outside of the U.S, Ashley Li has received an offer from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. 

“Alexander Evans (Old Brentwood), Hannah Walker and Sebastian Bloom have all received highly coveted London-based Music conservatoire offers for percussion, singing and the organ and 18 students are actively pursuing Apprenticeship applications and a number of them are currently waiting to attend final round assessment interviews with companies such as Deloitte, E&Y, Sky and KPMG.”

Headmaster Mr Michael Bond said: “The range of university and workplace offers - within and beyond the UK - that our Upper Sixth students are securing is testament to their hard work, ambition and resilience as well as the commitment of our staff, who support them so well through this journey. I am proud of their achievements and am confident they will continue to be worthy ambassadors for this wonderful community as they approach the final stages of their school career.”

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High-Flying Students Bound for Oxbridge and Beyond