
New Law Society Attracts High-Profile Speaker

New Law Society Attracts High-Profile Speaker
Sixth Form Co-Curricular

Budding barrister and Lower Sixth student Jessica S has been instrumental in setting up the School’s newly-formed Law Society which has its first high-profile speaker this week.

The new society, which meets every other Thursday, is open to students in the Fifth Year and Lower Sixth. It aims to give members the chance to develop critical thinking abilities, enhance public speaking skills, and learn to formulate structured arguments and present them persuasively.

It will also broaden their understanding of topical moral and ethical issues, and offers them the opportunity to speak to legal professionals and gain an insight into study and career pathways for law.

Jessica, Society President, said: “I started the Law Society as I felt that it would be useful to engage in discussions with like-minded people, and give students the opportunity to speak with professionals in the industry. 

“Law is such a competitive field and I felt a society of this kind would be very beneficial, not only to myself, but to others hoping to study law at a higher level. Having started to look at universities myself, there was a lot of emphasis placed on being able to talk around and immerse yourself in the subject, which I hope the Law Society will give people the ability to do. No previous law experience is required to participate.”

This Thursday’s (15th October) meeting will welcome Prof Dawn Oliver QC FBA who is Emeritus Professor of Constitutional Law, the former Dean of the Law Faculty at University College London and was appointed Honorary QC in 2012.

During the Zoom session, Prof Oliver will highlight the numerous career pathways the study of law can open up, including Journalism, Human Resources and Finance.

Jessica’s budding law career is certainly on track. As well as being the driving force behind the Law Society, she spent a week (pre-COVID) carrying out work experience at Matrix Chambers and you can read her blog here. She has also completed an online Introduction to Common Law course with UCL during lockdown. 

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New Law Society Attracts High-Profile Speaker