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Senior > Pastoral Care & Wellbeing

Pastoral Care & Wellbeing

At Brentwood School, we have an outstanding level of pastoral care. The wellbeing and safety of all our students is our highest priority and we have an excellent team in place to support each young person individually.

Dedicated Pastoral Care

The extended pastoral team in the Senior School comprises the Senior Deputy Head, Director of Pastoral Care and Safeguarding, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads, Heads of Year and their Deputies, Form Tutors, Boarding staff, Pastoral Managers, our Chaplain, Director of Pupil Wellbeing, the School’s medical team and our School counsellors.

Together they support the wellbeing of all our students, enabling each student to thrive in a kind, caring and inclusive community.

Guidance from Form Tutors

Students at Brentwood School are on a journey through education, but they are also building relationships on many different levels. The quality of these relationships is the key to the success of our community.

The Form Tutor plays an important part in helping each student build such relationships and develop as an individual. They encourage and guide students and are an advocate and positive role model.

The Form Tutor takes an active interest in the academic lives of their tutees, their progress and wellbeing and encourages participation in the variety of activities available outside of the classroom.

Our Wellbeing Programme

This programme aims to help students develop social skills, communication skills and raises confidence levels by providing information relevant to their needs in today’s society.

The holistic ethos of Brentwood School recognises that students are not just intellects to be brought to their full potential: they are also young people who face dilemmas in all aspects of their lives. Our exciting Life Skills programme aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills to lead healthy, safe and fulfilled lives.

There are timetabled lessons dedicated to guiding our students through the bespoke Brentwood Wellbeing programme. Through reflection, discussion, drama, speakers, workshops and multimedia presentations, students have the opportunity to make the necessary choices to confront challenges and changes in life and respond effectively.

Supporting Parents

The Wellbeing programme aims to support parents and guardians in their responsibility of preparing young people for the future. Details of each year group programme are issued regularly and materials or information on specific topics are available on request.

Forums for parents, including our Sounding Board, are held regularly to address particular areas that cause concern and offer the opportunity to ask questions. They are intended to be informative and convivial while providing the support growing teenagers need in the 21st Century.

Mental Health

At Brentwood School, we have a team of Mental Health First Aiders (MHFAiders®) that help access different types of support and act as a point of contact if someone is concerned about or is experiencing poor mental health or emotional distress. They are not therapists or psychiatrists but can give the initial support and signpost to the appropriate help if required. Find out more about our MHFAiders® below.

MHFAiders®Mental Health Champions

Wellbeing Dogs

Following increasing global research into the positive impact of having animals in school to aid wellbeing and mental health, our students recognised the benefits of having a wellbeing dog on campus.

We now have four dedicated wellbeing dogs at the Senior School that contribute to our students’ cognitive, emotional, and physical wellbeing. Visiting and interacting with our dogs offers comfort and relaxation away from the usual school environment.

Of course, not all people are comfortable with dogs, so we ask parents to complete a form to indicate their preferences regarding contact.

Wellbeing Dogs

Pupils display a strong sense of wellbeing, and this is actively promoted by pastoral leaders, who work closely with the learning development department and external professionals, identifying and monitoring individual needs and implementing early intervention strategies when concerns arise.

ISI Inspection Report

Designated Safeguarding Leads

Senior School

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads


At Brentwood, we recognise the importance of developing resilience and opportunities for reflection as well as the need to nurture self-esteem.

Chris Smith
Director of Wellbeing

If, at any stage, you have a concern about your child, please contact the Form Tutor in the first instance or the Head of Year.

For more serious issues and safeguarding matters, contact the Director of Pastoral Care and Safeguarding, Miss Bishop, the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads or Mrs Jenkin, the Senior Deputy Head responsible for Pastoral Care in the Senior School.

Contact the Safeguarding Team

If you wish to contact a member of the safeguarding team, please use our online form:

Fill out my online form.

in numbers

Mental Health First Aid trained Sixth Formers
Year 11 students were surveyed on their wellbeing around exam time
Wellbeing Dogs in the Senior School